What is Too Close? Investigation Reveals People Don’t Know Cell Phone Safety Distances
~ Updated Sept 2020 How close is safe for you to carry your cell phone? Is this a question you even knew you needed to ask? If the answer is...
Safety APPs for Runners – 2020 Update – Free or Low-Cost
With tons of running apps to help you get started or find a good path or trail, we like...
Cell Phone Towers on the Rise: Do We Need to Know More About RF Exposure?
SportPort™ Activewear continues its research and news reporting around the health and safety for active people who regularly carry around and use their phones close to their bodies. This...
At-Home Safe Cell Phone Use | Smart Home Smart Phone
Right now, while we are working to maintain more physical distance from others, we may be finding ourselves more physically close to our phones and WiFi gadgets. We are having...
Health Updates: Cell Phone EMF & Dangers for Our Kids
If cell phone exposure is considered potentially dangerous for children, then what does that mean for the rest of us? An April 2017 article in Healio’s Pediatric Annals,
What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity & Is it a Real Thing?
In the hit television series Better Call Saul, Jimmy McGill’s brother suffers from something called...
In the News: Cell Phone Safety, Small Cells, Towers, Radiation & Big Impacts
You know that quote: “The more things change the more they stay the same.” It is said by many as a reference to situations where there appears to be...
Pregnancy & Cell Phone Use: Is There Cause for Concern?
November 08, 2017 — Researchers have only recently begun to study the possible effects of radio waves and electromagnetic frequency from cell phones on fetuses. Kim Highfield, CEO of