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Aly Rae Tanner is a model, entrepreneur, author and breast cancer previvor. When she was just 20 years old she underwent a prophylactic double mastectomy in order to eliminate her risk of breast cancer. After three major surgeries in just two weeks, she went septic and almost died due to a complication in a previous surgery. She ended up with one breast and was immediately dropped from all her agencies, and was told she would never shoot swimwear and was no longer sexy to men.

Aly Rae was persistent and wanted to show women everywhere that regardless of what society deemed as sexy, you are beautiful and went on to be the first women in Glamour UK, and Vanity Fair UK with one breast in swimsuit. She now has two breasts again, but continues to show women everywhere that you can be beautiful no matter what your body type is, regardless of your breasts, scars, and anything else that society deems “normal”. Aly Rae has also written two journals that help women battling breast cancer, and BRCA to communicate their feelings and also helps to run a nonprofit called Save the Women where people in the community photograph survivors to help them feel beautiful, and sexy. She also owns a cosmetic company, and is currently attending Grand Canyon University to be a Psychologist. Her ultimate goal in life is to be an advocate for loving your body, and choosing life over what society has deemed “normal”.