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28 Morning Journal Prompts

28 Morning Journal Prompts

When it comes to self-improvement, journaling and self-reflection are powerful tools that can help you gain insight into yourself and your life.

Not only can they help you understand and process your thoughts and feelings, they can also help you develop positive habits, gain clarity and reach goals.

Through journaling and self-reflection, you can gain the knowledge and understanding of yourself that is needed to make meaningful and lasting changes in your life. 


1. What are three things that I am grateful for today?

2. What are three small changes I can make to take care of my body?

3. How can I practice self-care today?

4. What are my top three values?

5. What do I need to do in order to take care of my mental health?

6. What are three things that I can do to be kind to myself?

7. What are my three biggest accomplishments?

8. How can I make today meaningful?

9. What do I need to do to stay focused on my goals?

10. What are three positive affirmations that I can say to myself every day?

11. What are three things I can do to be more organized?

12. How can I practice mindfulness today?

13. What are three things I can do to reduce my stress?

14. How can I prioritize my needs?

15. What are three things I can do to stay motivated?

16. What do I need to do to take care of myself?

17. What are three things I can do to achieve my goals?

18. What are three things that I can do to make my life more meaningful?

19. What are three goals I want to accomplish this month?

20. What am I grateful for today?

21. What are three positive things I can do for myself today?

22. What would I do if I had no fear?

23. What are three areas of my life that I need to focus on?

24. What would I do differently if I could start today over?

25. What are three things I need to let go of?

26. What are three things that bring me joy?

27. What can I do to reduce stress and anxiety in my life?

28. What are three things I am proud of myself for?


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